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Usposabljanje iz mehatronike v Taboru na Češkem, 25. 11. do 6. 12. 2024

Avtor: | 3. 1. 2025 | UTB V

Blog pišeta: Tine Štibelj in Jan Peternelj, oba 3. Cs, strojni tehnik, 2024/25

Dan prihoda (24. 11. 2024)

V nedeljo smo se ob 8.00 odpravili iz pred šole s prof. Verbičem. Pot nas je peljala čez Maribor, kjer smo imeli prvi postanek. Nadaljevali smo čez mejni prehod Šentilj do Gradca kjer smo naredili drugi postanek. Nato smo se peljali čez Linz preko Češke meje kjer smo naredili tretji postanek in si nato odšli ogledati mesto Češki Krumlov ter grad Hluboka ki leži nad mestom Hluboka nad Vltavou. Na koncu smo se pripeljali v mesto Tabor, se srečali s koordinatorjem partnerske šole SPŠ Tabor, prof. Tomašem Vančuro, ki nam je predstavil program mobilnosti, ter se nastanili v tamkajšnjem dijaškem domu in odšli na zasluženo večerjo.


On Sunday, at 8:00 a.m., we left in front of the school with prof. Verbičem. The route took us through Maribor, where we had our first stop. We continued across the Šentilj border crossing to Graz, where we made a second stop. Then we drove through Linz over the Czech border, where we made a third stop and then went to see the town of Český Krumlov and Hluboka Castle, which lies above the town of Hluboka nad Vltavou. In the end, we arrived in the town of Tabor, met with the coordinator of the partner school SPŠ Tabor, prof. Tomašem Vančura, who introduced us to the mobility program, and settled in the local student dormitory and went for a well-deserved dinner.

1. dan (25. 11. 2024)

Po zajtrku smo se z vsemi učenci dobili najprej v šoli, kjer smo se malo spoznali ter si ogledali šolo. Po ogledu šole smo odšli na kosilo, nato pa smo se odpravili na ogled mesta Tabor. Najprej smo si malo ogledali mesto, nato smo si pogledali tudi njihov muzej, kjer nas je lepo sprejel in nagovoril tudi tamkajšnji župan. Na koncu smo v mestni hiši slišali malo več podrobnosti o mestu Tabor in njihovih prihodnjih projektih ter se nato počasi odpravili nazaj proti šoli. Za ta dan je bil program zaključen.


After breakfast, we first met all the students at the school, where we got to know each other a little and had a tour of the school. After visiting the school, we went for lunch, and then we went to see the town of Tabor. First, we visited the city a bit, then we also visited their museum, where we were warmly welcomed and addressed by the local mayor. In the end, we heard a little more details about the town of Tabor and their future projects at the town hall, and then slowly headed back to the school. The program was completed for the day.

2. dan (26. 11. 2024)

Dan smo začeli z zajtrkom v jedilnici. Nato smo se odpravili v učilnico za elektrotehniko. Tam smo se spoznali z osnovnimi električnimi komponentami za električno vezje. Po predavanju smo si pripravili plošče in začeli z sestavljanjem lastnega avtomobilčka. Vmes smo imeli kosilo in nato delo nadaljevali do konca programa. Avtomobilček še ni dokončan, zato ga bomo nadaljevali jutri.


We started the day with breakfast in the dining room. Then we went to the electrical engineering classroom. There we learned about the basic electrical components for an electrical circuit. After the lecture, we prepared the boards and started assembling our own little car. We had lunch in between and then continued working until the end of the program. The car is not finished yet, so we will continue it tomorrow.

3. dan (27. 11. 2024)

Danes smo nadaljevali z vezanjem električnega vezja na avtomobilčku. Po končanju smo avto preizkusili na prej izdelani stezi. Avto je lepo sledil črtam in dokončal progo. Na koncu smo v vsaki skupini naredili še model karoserije kot pokrov za končni lepotni videz. Popoldne sva prepisala snov in nato odšla na krajši sprehod po Taboru.


Today we continued with tying the electric circuit on the little car. After finishing, we tested the car on the previously prepared track. The car followed the lines nicely and completed the course. Finally, in each group, we made a model of the body as a cover for the final aesthetic appearance. In the afternoon, we copied the material and then went for a short walk around Tabor.


4. dan (28. 11. 2024)


Zjutraj smo se ob sedmih odpravili izpred šole. Po enourni vožnji in pol smo prišli do podjetja Rohde & Schwarz. Tam smo si ogledali eno izmed 70-ih obratov družinskega podjetja, ki je razširjeno po vsem svetu. Najprej so nas seznanili s samim začetkom podjetja in tamkajšnjim deloviščem, zatem smo v testirni sobi sami sestavili svojo elektronsko igralno kocko, nato smo si še ogledali določene naprave za zvočne valove. Napočil je čas za kosilo in na koncu še ogled tamkajšnjega kompleksa. Povsem tem smo se odpravili nazaj proti šoli kamor smo prispeli okoli 15.30 ure.



We left the school at seven in the morning. After an hour and a half drive, we arrived at Rohde & Schwarz. There we visited one of the 70 plants of the family company, which is spread all over the world. First, we were introduced to the very beginning of the company and the workplace there, then we assembled our own electronic game cube in the test room, and then we also saw certain devices for sound waves. It was time for lunch and finally a tour of the local complex. With all this, we headed back to the school, where we arrived around 3:30 p.m.

5. dan (29. 11. 2024)

Danes smo začeli s programiranjem Arduina. Najprej je profesor Joseph na 3D tiskalnik naložil vse narisane dizajne naših avtov ter jih dal natisniti. Kot že prej omenjeno smo začeli z osnovami programiranja. Učili smo se kako sprogramirati diodo da sveti ali utripa, nato servomotor in na koncu še DC motor. Po vseh osnovah pa so nam razdelili vsaki dvojici komplet (v katerem so bili vsi potrebni deli za sestavo avtomobilov po svojih lastnih idejah) in začeli smo z sestavljanjem in programiranjem lastnih avtomobilov s pomočjo Arduina. S tem smo zaključili prvi teden tečaja.


Today we started programming Arduino. First, Professor Joseph uploaded all the drawn designs of our cars to the 3D printer and had them printed. As mentioned earlier, we started with the basics of programming. We learned how to program a diode to light up or blink, then a servo motor and finally a DC motor. After all the basics, each pair was given a kit (which contained all the necessary parts to assemble cars according to their own ideas) and we started assembling and programming our own cars with the help of Arduino. This concludes the first week of the course.


Vikend (30. 11.–1. 12. 2024)

Med vikendom sva se za en dan podala v Prago. Ob 8.37 sva se usedla na vlak in odpeljala proti Pragi. Pot je trajala približno eno uro. Ko sva prispela na cilj sva se podala v ulice mesta. Ko sva se prebila skozi stari del mesta, sva prečkala most in se odpravila do gradu. Tisti dan so imeli dan odprtih vrat, zato je bilo povsod polno turistov. Zatem sva odšla do razglednega stolpa Petrin tower, ki stoji nad Prago, ter si iz njega napasla oči nad celotnim mestom. Zatem sva naredila krajši postanek in si ogledala tamkajšnji rally dirko. Po vsem sva se odpravila nazaj skozi park proti samem središču mesta, kjer sva prečkala tudi znameniti Karlov most. Zadnja pot naju je peljala nazaj na železniško postajo, kjer sva se odpeljala nazaj v Tabor.


During the weekend, we went to Prague for a day. At 8:37 we boarded the train and drove to Prague. The trip took about an hour. When we arrived at our destination, we went into the streets of the city. After making her way through the old part of the city, most of them crossed and made their way to the castle. They had an open day that day, so everywhere was full of tourists. After that, we went to the observation tower Petrin tower, which stands above Prague, and from it we looked over the whole city. Then we made a short stop and watched the rally race there. After everything, we headed back through the park towards the same city center, where we also crossed the famous Charles Bridge. The last way he took us back to the train station, where where we drove back in the Tabor.

6. dan (2. 12. 2024)

Zjutraj smo nadaljevali s programiranjem.  Najprej smo začeli s sestavljanjem ogrodja in preizkušanjem, kako povezati pravilno oba motorja in zraven še senzorja. Tako smo prišli čez cel dan s testiranjem najboljših kombinacij.


We continued programming in the morning.  First, we started by assembling the frame and testing how to properly connect the two motors and also the sensors. So we got through a whole day of testing the best combinations.

7. dan (3. 12. 2024)

Nadaljevali smo včerajšnje delo, danes se že pelje po črni črti. Po večini smo odpravljali napake sledenja senzorjev in testirali prave hitrosti za obračanje in samo hitrost, potrebno pa bo še programiranje da se avto na cilju ustavi. Tako smo za danes zaključili.


We continued yesterday’s work, today we are already driving along the black line. For the most part, we have fixed sensor tracking errors and tested the right speeds for turning and the speed itself, and programming will be needed to put the car on target. That’s it for today.

8. dan (4. 12. 2024)

Danes je napočil dan, ko smo dokončali svoje avtomobile. Zjutraj smo testirali in dopolnjevali program, potrebno pa je bilo sprogramirati še ustavitev avta na ciljni črti. Tudi to nam je na koncu le uspelo. Zatem pa smo avtomobil probali le še izboljšati glede hitrosti. Ker smo nekateri malo prej končali smo se s svojimi sotekmovalci pogovarjali o razno raznih stvareh. Zvečer pa kot po navadi  malo učenja ter večerja in nato spanje.


Today was the day we finished our cars. In the morning, we tested and supplemented the program, and the stop of the car at the finish line also had to be programmed. In the end, we managed to do that too. After that, we improved the car even more in terms of speed. Since some of us finished a little earlier, we talked about various things with our fellow competitors. In the evening, as usual, a little study and dinner, then sleep.

9. dan (5. 12. 2024)

Jutro smo začeli še z dopolnjevanjem zadnjih detajlov na naših avtomobilih in ob devetih se je začela tekma. Trajala je dobre pol ure in vzdušje je bilo zelo napeto. Po koncu tekme in odmoru je sledila razglasitev zmagovalcev. ŠČŠL je dosegel odlične rezultate saj sva zasedla vsak z svojo skupino prvo in drugo mesto. Po kosilu smo imeli čas za predstavitev. Bilo je zelo lepo in tudi malo čustveno ker smo vedeli da se tukaj naša pot konča. Jutri sledi še predstavitev in kdo ve mogoče pa se kdaj še kje srečamo.


We started the morning by completing the last details on our cars and at nine o’clock the race started. It lasted a good half hour and the atmosphere was very tense. After the end of the match and the break, the winners were announced. ŠČŠL achieved excellent results, as everyone took first and second place with their group. After lunch we had time for a presentation. It was very beautiful and also a little emotional because we knew that this is where our journey ends. There will be a presentation tomorrow, and who knows, maybe we’ll meet somewhere else.

10. dan (6. 12. 2024)

Ob osmi uri smo se dobili z našimi sošolci usposabljanja, da smo dokončali našo predstavitev. Nato smo ob devetih imeli generalko in ob desetih predstavitev.  Po končani predstavitvi smo se vsi poslovili s težkim srcem od vseh, odšli še zadnjič na kosilo ter se odpravili na pot proti domu. Z dvema postankoma smo pred šolski center prišli okoli pol sedmih. Tako sta se je najina pot in tečaj zaključila.



At eight o’clock we met with our classmates from the course to finish our presentation. Then at nine o’clock we had a general meeting and at ten o’clock presentations.  After the presentation, we all said goodbye to everyone with a heavy heart, went to lunch one last time and headed home. With two stops, we arrived in front of the school center around seven thirty. This is how our journey and course came to an end.